Fleur avec sa coupelle
The french menstrual cup since 2009

Buy Fleurcup

To download the user guide, click here​.

The recommended retail price of Fleurcup is 19.99€.

- From our Reseller Partner Ma Cup Menstruelle : click here.
Today, shipping is free (France) and 1,99€ (worldwide) : don't miss out !
And get 50% off on the second Fleurcup !

- From Fleurcup :
5 Fleucup of your choice for only 59,95€ (11,99€ per Fleurcup), delivery costs included (available only for Europe).
10 Fleucup of your choice for only 99,90€ for Europe and 120€ for the rest of the world, delivery costs included.
20 Fleurcup of your choice for only 160€ for Europe and 180€ for the rest of the world, delivery costs included.
To purchase a bundle or for any quantity greater than 5, contact us : click here or contact@fleurcup.com.




The Fleucup menstrual cup, made in France, is a hygienic and reusable protection for women during their period. Fleurcup is supple and flexible and is positioned in the vagina to collect menstrual fluids.

Fleurcup was one of the menstrual cup pioneers. Since 2009, we have introduced the cup to many women around the world, who, thanks to their Fleurcup, have acquired total menstrual freedom.

We have decided not to explain what a menstrual cup is to you anymore, how to insert it, how to remove it, etc. You will find all this information on the internet explained to you a thousand times: articles, tutorials, videos, specialized sites, Facebook pages, Instagram accounts, Youtube videos, etc.

We have decided to focus on what we do best: offer you an excellent quality menstrual cup at the lowest price. Fleurcup at the best price/quality ratio so that everyone can enjoy it.

If you're still hesitant, continue to inquire. Once you decide to go for the menstrual cup, come and see us again, then you will know that thanks to Fleurcup, you will benefit from the best quality/price ratio.




Why choose Fleurcup ?

  • 100% made in France since 2009.
  • It is subjected to an extreme quality control when it is controlled individually and manually.
  • 100% composed of USP Class VI 60 Shore platinum medical silicone.
  • No leaks, no unpleasant smells, you are feeling fresh all day long.
  • Should be emptied in relation to your flow and at least every 6 hours.
  • Easy to insert and remove.
  • Easy to carry, perfect for travelling.
  • Allows you to practice all your usual activities during your period.
  • Can be used for several years, you will save lots of money.
  • Environmentally friendly, zero waste.
  • Compatible with an IUD.
  • Without Phthalates.
  • Without Bisphenol S, A and F.
  • Without Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH).
  • Without Azo dye.
  • Latex free.
  • Without perfume.
  • Plastic free.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • No animal ingredients.
  • Not tested on animals.
  • Does not contain none of the 191 substances of very high concern (SVHC) listed in the latest version of the ECHA candidate list (06/28/2018) at concentrations above 0.1%.
  • Produced in a factory that fully complies with current French and European standards, including ISO 9001 and ISO 13485.
  • Proposal in a minimalist package, to minimize waste and sealed, to reassure your customers.
  • Designed to be satisfied and conquered:
    • 2 sizes: adapted to your needs.
    • A balanced, rounded design, to ensure you can insert and remove your Fleurcup gently and easily.
    • A ‘peach skin’ texture inside and out for easy insertion and removal and also for easy cleaning. It is soft to touch.
    • No printed writing, either inside or outside of Fleurcup to further ensure easy and efficient cleaning.
    • Non slip ridges along the stem and on the base of the Fleurcup to ensure that your fingers don’t slip thanks to a good grip.
    • A high capacity for each size to ensure maximum and long-lasting comfort. We have designed Fleurcup so that each size offers the highest capacity with the minimum dimensions.
    • 4 air holes for easy removal and carefully designed to enable efficient cleaning.
    • The stem is a single unit with no difficult to access areas, to ensure easy and efficient cleaning.
    • A fat stem, easy to hold.
    • A supple stem for maximum comfort.
    • A long stem so that you can adapt it, if required, for your comfort.


Which size to choose ?

Les 2 tailles
  • The Fleurcup - Small is adapted to adolescents, young ladies and for light flow periods.
  • The Fleurcup - Large is adapted to women who have already given birth or who have heavy-flow periods.
Small Large
Diameter 41mm 46mm
Height (not including stem) 47mm 52mm
Total volume 25ml 35ml
Capacity (from the base to the air holes) 20ml 29ml
Stem length 23mm 18mm

Bulk purchasing

If you would like to buy Fleurcup in quantities (reseller, group order, etc.), please contact pro@fleurcup.com.​


User manual

To download the Fleurcup user manual, click here​.


General Conditions of sale

To download our General Conditions of Sale, click here.


Contact us

In order to provide a better service, we won’t reply to any questions already answered on this website or in the Fleurcup user manual.​

Ctra dels Vilars, 21
Edifici Mestral B,2,1
AD700 Escaldes Engordany
Principat d'Andorra
NRT : L-708811-N


In pictures

Fleurcup means saving money.

Fleurcup means being able to practice all sports.

Fleurcup means less stress.

Fleurcup means dancing without caring.

Fleurcup means wearing what you want.

Fleurcup means sleeping in peace.

Fleurcup means travelling lighter.

Fleurcup means less odor.

Fleurcup means less waste.

Fleurcup means always being efficient.

Fleurcup means always being sensual.

Fleurcup means always being able to take care of yourself.

Fleurcup means always feeling fresh.

Fleurcup is a simple and well-known composition.

Fleurcup is the menstruation revolution.

Fleurcup is a lot more freedom in intimacy.